Even if your photos contain no location info
you can set it now and keep them forever.
It has never been so easy to geotag your photos!
Just upload your photo and if our system cannot geo locate it, you can point its location by just clicking
on the global map.
You can then save-set the location information back in the photo file,
download it to your computer or phone, insert the location as text over your picture and even share it instantly.
Give it a try! Upload your photo and tell the world about your travels!
Don't know or have you forgotten the place you took a photo?
No problem!
Many digital cameras and almost all modern mobile phones have
a built-in GPS receiver that stores the location information in the picture as coordinates.
Chances are, that geographic information (also know as geolocation, geodata or geotags)
exist in your photo file.
Give it a try! Upload your photo and see it on the map!
Just upload any of your photos and instantly check if they contain location info or geodata.
Be careful! These information are often recorded by various websites and services
when you upload or share your photos and
can be accessed by people without your consent or even without you knowing about it.
Follow 3 easy steps to remove any location info, geodata or geolocation!
1. Upload the photo
2. Remove all location information from your photo
3. Save it back on your computer-mobile or share it directly